Northwest jesuit advocacy summit

adult participation


The Northwest Jesuit Advocacy Summit brings together Jesuit students, volunteers, parishioners, faculty, priests and other leaders to use the power of our collective voices to put our faith into action. 

Held from February 27, 28, and March 1, 2025, in Seattle and Tacoma, the event takes high-school students through a 3-day experience of Ignatian reflection towards prophetic action, with university students, Jesuit volunteers, parishioners, faculty and other adult allies joining for evening programming and a direct-action town-hall on Saturday morning

In the spirit of the Jesuit Apostolic Preference to “walk with youth toward a hope-filled future” parishioners, priests, teachers and community members are encouraged to join the summit to network with other Ignatian justice leaders, join in meaningful spiritual conversation with Jesuit students leading the next generation of justice work, and -most importantly- stand with these young leaders and Native-led activist groups as we engage in faithful collective action in solidarity with the Se Si Le and the Sacred Salmon Campaign.

Adults are invited to attend any of the below programs. You do not need to attend every event. The Saturday morning student-led town hall with elected officials is particularly important moment to stand with students as they take action, so if you can only attend one event, we encourage you to be there!

Event Outline

Adults are invited to attend any and all of the following events. Overnight accommodation is available for those coming from out of town. A $25 suggested donation is encouraged for anyone participating in dinners.

  • Thursday February 27th at Bellarmine High Tacoma

    • 5:15pm “Already Ignited” Adult Justice Leader Dinner: Join Jesuit Volunteers and JV EnCorps Members, FJVs, parishioners, members of the Micah network, leaders from the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Network as a community of Ignatian advocates committed to serving a faith that does justice and supporting the next generation of leaders.  We'll have some time to share about justice work in our own ministries, reflect on what it means to do intergenerational work, along with prayer and fellowship.  

    • 6:00pm Story Slam on Indigenous Climate Solidarity: Hear from two indigenous leaders, Ione Ironhorse Jones and JoDe Gaudy, on the crisis of salmon degradation in the Columbia River watershed and the call for faith communities to take action. The story sharing will be followed by group prayer and conversation on our own stakes in the future of the Pacific Northwest waters, and our collective call to care for creation.

  • Friday February 28th at Seattle University: Intergenerational Conversation on Creation, Justice and Spirituality with Jesuit students and Jesuit volunteers

    • 6:30pm join in an intergenerational faith-sharing on how we experience the sacred in creation, and how it leads us to the work of justice. This will feature a panel of student leaders and time in intergenerational small group conversations.

  • Saturday, March 1st at Seattle University: Public Witness in Solidarity with Native Peoples on Salmon Watershed Protection. Inspired by the Washington State Catholic Bishop’s Call for Plan to Care for Creation and the Common Good in the Lower Snake River and “to develop and implement a holistic plan for the Lower Snake River region that seeks input from the Original Peoples of Washington state as principal dialogue partners,” this collective action, led by Jesuit students and Native peoples, will be an opportunity for faithful collective action to public officials, along with prayer, ritual and next steps to take the work home.

Intergenerational conversations

on faith and justice

in preparation for the NW Jesuit advocacy summit, Jesuit school students will be inviting ministries in their area to small group intergenerational conversations on serving a faith that does justice.

These conversations will be led by students, but provide an opportunity for adults and youth to listen to one another and share their own perspectives. Together, adults and youth will pray, dialogue and discern how they’re being called to support one another on issues of justice and ecology. Conversations will be held in early November, organized by the local works with template materials and any desired logistical support provided by the Province.

Conversation Dates:

  • Portland with Jesuit High Portland, Wednesday November 20th at 8pm.

  • Spokane, with Gonzaga Prep, Wednesday January 15th, 9:20am-10am via zoom

  • Seattle with Seattle Prep, February 4th at 7pm at St. Joe’s parish (tentative)

To RSVP, for more information or to set up an intergenerational conversation in your local area, contact

lodging information

We recommended two hotels that are walking distance to Seattle University: Silver Cloud Hotel - Seattle Broadway and Hotel Sorrento.

Jesuit Parishioners and JV EnCorps Members from Portland, Spokane and Tacoma:

  • Reimbursement for one-night (February 23) accommodation of up to $180 is available during your participation of the 2025 Northwest Ignatian Advocacy Summit

Reimbursement Requests:

  • Email us ( your hotel reservation invoice and summit registration email to request your reimbursement payment.

  • From the date your reimbursement request is submitted via email, please allow two to three weeks to complete the reimbursement payment process.

  • Please provide a current mailing address to where the reimbursement check will be mailed to.

  • For any questions about the reimbursement process and/or payment status, please contact us at


The event is primarily sponsored by Seattle University, Jesuits West and the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center in collaboration with:

  • Gonzaga University

  • Jesuit High School, Portland

  • Seattle Prep

  • Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

  • St. Joseph Parish Seattle

  • Gonzaga Prep, Spokane

  • Bellarmine Prep, Tacoma

The event is designed for adults from Jesuit ministries, former Jesuit volunteers, members of the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center and Catholics interested in justice and the Ignatian charism.

register here

You will register one time and be asked to make a suggested donation. We will follow up to find out more about specific event registration, housing and food needs.