the origins of core
where did we start? the faith doing justice discernment series
Our hope during the Discernment Series was to help regions articulate their hopes and dreams for working together locally, and then see if there were reverberations between the local plans that would facilitate us working together as a Province. The results from the end of the process are clear: While each region articulated different local visions, there is a common theme of racial equity that unites their work. For some regions this means a focus on immigrant inclusion in Covid-19 response, for others it means looking at racial equity in housing and educational policy, but almost every region expressed a desire to support advocacy on racial equity in public budgets and polices. There was also a universal desire to support one another and share learning as we wrestle with questions of equity within our institutions.
As we collaborate in public advocacy, we will continue to support one another in internal work on formation on race and equity for our people and organizations. Many of our Discerners and Arrupe Delegates are part of the teams within local ministries supporting education, prayer, and institutional development on equity and inclusion. They have been working hard to cull our networks to create toolkit of resources on racial equity to support and encourage one another in this effort. We will work with other networks to create spaces for mutual learning and urge each other on.