theological and spiritual resources
“We cannot expect one article or conversation to show us the ‘right’ way to engage.
We cannot wait to move and call for change until we think we have all of the information and know the correct way forward. We are called to risk our comfort and begin from right where we are. To try, fail, seek wisdom, and try again.
Wisdom is not transactional; stories are not instruction manuals. Like parables, the words of others are meant to provoke us into a new way of understanding and choosing. Wisdom is a companion with whom we are invited to keep long, discerning nights of vigil. Hastening to make herself known, she comes to us in the midst of ignorance, discomfort, and even failure.
She doesn’t ask us to be right or ready.
She asks us to transform; with each new dawn, to help proclaim a new day.”
Marilyn Nash, author, Campus Minister for Social Justice, Seattle University.
An excerpt from “Keeping Vigil with Wisdom” 11/13/17 at Ignatian Solidarity Network’s blog.[i]
In addition to the articles and church documents listed below, Just Faith has several ongoing curricula on racial justice that have been very popular with Jesuit parishes. Find out more at justfaith.org